Empowering Enrichment grants are open to school administrations, PTAs/PTOs at elementary, middle and high schools, Providers of enrichment classes and camps, and directly to families with financial need to fund, in whole or in part, solutions to the scholarship needs and logistical challenges that impede more students accessing these enrichment learning opportunities. Grants are awarded on a first come, first serve basis.


Eligibility criteria includes:

🌱 Commitment to offering enrichment opportunities to students as evidenced by community and administration support for an after school enrichment program, or a joint letter from the PTA/PTO and school administration stating the intended desire to support a program.

🌱 Demonstrated financial need among their student population, such as Title 1 status for school, or more than 25% of students on Free/Reduced Lunch Program.

🌱 Demonstrated inability of the PTA/PTO to fund financial assistance requests for enrichment, or lack of volunteer support.

🌱 Documentation from the school administration that confirms the program’s status is in jeopardy without on-site supervision, if applicable.

🌱 Evidence of the existing commitment to financial assistance, such as documentation about scholarships already funded for enrichment activities, or the standard tuition assistance policy, if applicable.